Goran Latinovich - Victim of Westpac

Case Summary

A story of unbelievable bank audacity & misconduct toward their customer. Westpac denies everything and hangs Goran out to dry without a penny after being defrauded of 1.2 million dollars. The manner of fraud committed clearly implies the swindle could only have happened with bank insider assistance.

The outcome of this fraud cost Goran & his family in excess of $20 million, their construction project, homes, income and everything they owned. The Banksters wave their "Get Out of Jail FREE" card and laugh all the way home.

Story Details
Story Of: 
Goran Latinovich
Bank Involved: 
Bank Malpractice Type: 
Powermongering & Greed
Unconscionable Conduct
Other Bad Banking Behaviour

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