Bank Reform Rally Canberra Nov 2016

Bank Reform Rally Canberra Parliament

Bank Reform Now #TTTRally Wrap-up & Speakers Stories / Speeches

Bank victims, banking experts and supporters gathered outside Parliament House in Canberra on Monday 21st November 2016. There was a common and united theme in that they are "FED UP" with the cruel and callous behavior of Australia's banks towards them when they had done NOTHING WRONG!

Meeting together and sharing their stories left many feeling less alone and more able to continue to fight a banking system that has been getting away with way too much bad behaviour for far too long.

With clarity of vision and renewed enthusiasm to continue the fight to Expose The Lies - Stop Corruption & Deliver Justice Bank Reform Now & friends will not let this issue rest until there is a full and powerful Royal Commission into the Australian Banking sector with the outcomes being - punishment for crimes committed (like any other criminal activity) and full compensation for victims. Anything short of this is an insult and an injustice.

Join Us - Spread The Word - Take Action.

This section contains a wrap-up article of the event from Dr Evan Jones who was a special speaker and some of the stories that were shared on the day. (See Summary link below.)

News Flash!: More Bank Reform Now campaign elements are planned for 2017. Join in and  participate ...... stand by for details.

Banking Rally Canberra Bank Reform Now AustraliaPre-Rally Set Up Outside Parliament House Canberra

Scroll through the pages of this section to read more (there are links at the bottom and to the right to help navigation)...

Bank Victims Horror Stories

From Extend RC Parliament Event
>> See ALL Horror Stories List

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Need Support?

Financial Help
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Emotional Help
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Should bank CEOs and loan officers face asset seizures and jail terms for criminal banking practices?

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