Voice Lost
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Right now it is very likely the Voice will not be approved by the majority of Aussie voters and it probably will not be approved in any State. Both major parties have for decades ignored the will of the people. They do have a habit of only listening to certain voices and pushing certain agendas - agendas that serve elite interests.
Maybe We Need A Government Working For The People
Right now it is very likely the Voice will not be approved by the majority of Aussie voters and it probably will not be approved in any State.
The big picture suggests that many people just don’t trust governments, big corporations, and intrusive authoritarian non-government organisations. Why would they?
This is a worldwide phenomenon. Look at Aussie history ….. and look at what is happening around the world right now.
There is a push toward world government – code words include “globalism” or “globalisation.” By necessity this means that all countries are actually involved in a new form of warfare. All liberal democracies are under attack. A major aim of this is to decrease the sovereignty of the people over their country and their lives – both indigenous and non-indigenous. Every crisis is being exploited in this effort by the elite who really run the show: COVID, Ukraine, Middle East, Refugees. When you look deeply …. all these issues are deliberately caused by government and corporate actions. Profits and power are being stolen from the people and concentrated into very few hands. The leaders do not care about you or your family. This is very clear. Peace and prosperity are not welcome because they actually want chaos to assist with their goals of global domination.
Albanese is actively pushing policies that are not in the interests of the people. He hasn’t listened to people who are finding it harder to look after their families and maintain their freedoms & rights. Why would he listen to any voice? He supports the empire. He is a tool of the empire. You wouldn’t recognise him as one who likes “fighting Tories.” Look at his response to: cost of living, population growth, bank closures, interest rates, food and fuel inflation, whistleblower protections, Central Bank Digital Currencies …… and of course the AUKUS tragedy!
At the same time the ALP has been campaigning for this "Voice" they have been trying to silence the voices of people that oppose the official narrative. This attack on freedom of speech will limit people's ability to discuss issues on various internet platforms - particularly social media. More information about the Combatting Misinformation Bill can be found here - apparently tens of thousands of submissions have been received - the vast majority opposing the Bill. Those are voices the government ignores at its peril. Below you can find the BRN submission pdf. It explains why fundamental rights must be protected.
Both major parties are in lockstep on issues that the globalists are pushing. They are both happy for a cashless authoritarian surveillance state to be imposed on all of us. It’s been going on for decades. Look up the Lima Agreement - just one example of Aussie governments sacrificing Aussie interests and home grown businesses to the global push. International treaties and agreements are one important part of the attack on Sovereignty.
The Voice has been badly handled by the government. There will need to be a time for healing. Remember - the rulers want us divided – and not just by race. The power brokers want you to be confused, distracted and frightened. They prefer us to fight among ourselves over diversionary issues. They like us divided: Left/Right, Man/Woman, Gay/Straight, Liberal/Labor, Republican/Democrat, Worker/Boss, Black/White, Christian/Muslim. We are all human beings trying to look after ourselves and our family in a world which has been distorted to suit elite interests.
Can we snatch victory from the jaws of defeat?
We are not sure if this would suit everyone but how does this sound?
We are all Australians. We should all unite. This is our country. We must claim our Sovereignty. We must cherish, respect, and celebrate core rights and responsibilities.
Australia is a very wealthy country with a population of less than 30 Million. If the country wasn’t being fleeced everyone would have access to top class services and infrastructure – indigenous and non-indigenous alike. The rulers and their empire want to continue exploiting us. We have been given a role: tourist hub and source of cut price resources.
We have previously detailed the key reforms required. A Sovereign wealth fund – a Sovereign monetary system - a Citizenship dividend. Also required – political donation and advertising reform. Let’s end the war machine while we’re on a roll. Governments are laundering money through a corrupt military and financial system. Those two industries are key planks along with debt and taxes in the program to steal your and your country’s wealth.
Are these issues worth discussing and fighting for?
Referendum Night Update
A few highlight quotes:
Anthony Albanese - “Maintain your hope and know that you are loved.” “This moment of disagreement does not define us and it will not divide us.”
Thomas Mayo - “There has been some really horrible political campaigning from Peter Dutton and his No campaign. It’s been disgusting to be frank,” .... “I think that the Australian public were ready for this. I disagree when people say that, that they weren’t, I disagree that this was a bad idea.” ..... “It’s not the Australian people’s fault. It’s the people that have lied to us to the Australian people. They are the ones that we should be blaming.”
Marcia Langton - “reconciliation is dead” .... “the nation has been poisoned.” ... “It will be at least two generations before Australians are capable of putting their colonial hatreds behind them and acknowledging that we exist."
Linda Burney - “The Australian people have had their say, and a clear majority have voted against the proposed change to the constitution." .... “We need to keep listening to Indigenous Australians about what works and what can make practical differences for the next generation, because we all want what’s best for our children. We all want our children and grandchildren to have a better future.”
Peter Dutton - “This is the referendum that Australia did not need to have.” “Australians were always going to reject a proposition which divided us into different categories.” .... “What we’ve seen tonight is Australians literally in their millions reject the prime minister’s divisive referendum.”
Jacinta Nampijinpa Price - “We are one of the, if not the, greatest nations on the face of the earth. And it’s time for Australians to believe that once again.” ..... “Attempting to bring about change through grievance has evidently got us nowhere.”
Warren Mundine - “We’re focusing on tomorrow. We’ve got to reach out to the yes campaign, we’ve got to reach out to those Australians who didn’t vote for us … and come together because we’ve got to fix these issues once and for all.”
Tony Abbott - .."what’s happened tonight is that the Australian people have voted for equality and against separatism." .... “What we need to do now is focus on bringing Aboriginal people or giving Aboriginal people far more ability to enter the Australian mainstream. We’ve got to get the kids to school, get the adults to work. We’ve got to keep the community safe, particularly in remote Australia, because that’s where the dreadful disadvantage that all us want to end predominates.” ..... "Aboriginal people haven't been rejected tonight - it's a radical power grab by an activist class - that's what's been rejected." .... "Concentrating power in the hands of activists in Canberra - that was the wrong change." .... "this was a radical change in the way Australia would have been governed and that's why people have said no."
Just to be complete
We have put some links to the misinformation that has been referred to by some of the campaigners. Also a link to the controversial pdf related to the one page Uluru Statement.
22.10.23 Update - Leaders of the Yes campaign release a statement one week after the referendum
The unsigned anonymous document well expresses the frustration and anger of many (pdf download below). It must be remembered that the vote was not a rejection of the main stated goal of “closing the gap.” The vast majority of Australians do not want to see suffering and hardship continue for disadvantaged ATSI people. The referendum vote was a rejection of the method proposed to end the disadvantage.
Two key points in the statement are reproduced in full below – emphasis added.
4. Australia is our country. We accept that the majority of non-Indigenous voting Australians have rejected recognition in the Australian Constitution. We do not for one moment accept that this country is not ours. Always was. Always will be. It is the legitimacy of the non-Indigenous occupation in this country that requires recognition, not the other way around. Our sovereignty has never been ceded.
5. The Constitution still belongs to those who the founding fathers originally intended it for and remains unchanged in our exclusion. We were asked to be recognised over a decade ago; we sought to be included in a meaningful way and that has been rejected. In refusing our peoples’ right to be heard on matters that affect us, Australia chose to make itself less liberal and less democratic. Our right to be heard continues to exist both as a democratic imperative for this nation, and as our inherent right to self-determination. The country can deny the former but not the latter. A 'founding document' without recognition of First Peoples of this country continues the process of colonisation. It is clear no reform of the Constitution that includes our peoples will ever succeed. This is the bitter lesson from 14 October.
While many Yes advocates wanted a mechanism to listen to the needs of ATSI voices what the above two excerpts show is that the activists appear to see the call for constitutional change as a stepping stone for a totally different agenda.
The language very much suggests that what is really desired is total ownership and Sovereignty over the nation by the 3.8% of the population that identify as “First Nations” people. The country has not denied the right for anyone to make representations to the government. There are many ways that can be done in the type of democracy we have. The voters just rejected the inclusion of the proposed Voice mechanism into the Constitution. If we extrapolate - the nation as a whole can and will deny self-determination to ATSI peoples if their activist leaders true desire is to establish - for example - a separate nation with its own laws, finance system and government. This is what the anonymous document implies is the goal of a group of key academics and activists.
It is worth noting that while our democracy is flawed – it of course does have pros and cons. BRN also campaigns for different laws, a different financial system, and a different form of government. Perhaps there is some common ground here. Should all Australians team up and demand reforms that serve all our interests?
Could it soon be time for Truth and Treaty?
Spoiler Alert – BRN would like to see all Australians reclaim Sovereignty over our country and our lives. The colonial legacy remains in that a ruling elite (often referred to as the Anglo-American Empire) continues to rob the country and all its people.
Many now feel that any person born in Australia is indigenous to Australia. In addition, many people have come to Australia – often with nothing - and used the opportunity to build productive, fulfilling, and good lives as new loyal citizens of Australia.
At the 30th of June 2021, there were 983,700 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, representing 3.8% of the total Australian population. Approximately a third live in the major cities, of the rest the bulk live in rural regions and about a fifth live in remote or very remote regions. Much less than 20% of ATSI people are living in the remotest regions where the gap would be the harshest.
The harsh truth is that any Australian living in a remote region will not have access to the same services that city dwellers have. Roads, hospitals, schools, and even shopping opportunities will be inferior or in many cases non-existent in remote communities.
It is certainly worthwhile to eliminate any gap where possible. However, another harsh truth – how is it that with Native Title currently covering around 50% of the nation and close to $40 Billion dollars being spent to assist ATSI people there still remain gaps that require closing? This suggests that the groups managing the lands and finances are not doing an efficient or effective job at the task they have been entrusted with. It also suggests that - despite the best of intentions - some gaps, in some regions, are just not able to be closed.
Prior to the arrival of the British colonial settlers in 1788 the ATSI people lived in a primitive, Stone Age subsistence fashion. This is not necessarily a bad thing. The lifestyle has much we can learn from. It is considered that they lived in a stable way in that manner for around 60,000 years. Estimates suggest there were around 250 separate nations or tribes.
It is often said that necessity is the mother of invention. During this time on one of the most resource rich regions of the world the inhabitants had no need for wheels, roads, carts, pyramids, cathedral-like structures, pianos, paper, steam powered water pumps & engines, screw propeller-driven passenger ships, light bulbs, electric batteries, iron bridges, medical innovations such as vaccines, cement, or other inventions and innovations that Western, Oriental and Middle Eastern cultures had developed between 2670 BC and the 1800s.
Life was brutal – as it has been throughout human history. The default position for human beings is to be tribal and violent. People generally prefer the company of their own groups. “The other” is to be feared and not trusted. This of course ignores the fact that people often behave with great barbarity even with members of their own tribes. Thus it is common for exploitation, violence, sexual assault, child abuse, and other forms of brutality to cause lasting harm to people and their families.
BRN feels that war and the tools of its expression are another sign of an uncivilised primitive brutality that must be removed from all cultures. It is time for citizens of the world to live in civilised freedom. Irrational hatreds and divisions only serve the rulers who seek to dominate the world and its resources – and that includes citizens.
It can very easily be argued that the greatest acts of stupidity, barbarity and racism have been committed by various empires and their political and corporate servants.
In the 235 years since 1788 the Australia we now know and love was built. There was a lot of early hardship for both convicts and the ATSI people. There was sickness and death – much from newly introduced diseases.
We can’t be sure what her thought processes were when she was responding to questions after her Press Club speech but Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price was probably not just referring to the beneficial increased availability of food and running water post colonisation. Most of the first Australians lived a semi nomadic hunter gatherer life. Finding food was often difficult and time consuming. Due to the difficulties involved in feeding the tribe about 30% of newborns were killed to limit family sizes and local populations. Cannibalism is also well documented. This occurred within tribal mobs but also during violence between tribes.
We suspect that Senator Price meant that the nation and opportunities created over the last 235 years would not have eventuated if the British had not arrived and developed the country. Thus ATSI people have the ability to participate in a nation that can give them a whole range of experiences and life choices that are very different to those associated with a superstitious Stone Age way of life.
It is worth noting that the prehistoric mode of living is not better or worse than a modern Western style culture. They are just different. People should of course be free to choose how to live their lives. Whilst some may find brutality in infanticide and cannibalism there is no shortage of brutality in Western societies engaging in empire building and other geopolitical machinations.
Senator Price was warned by academic Marcia Langton not to mention an important issue during a previous Press Club address –
This seems to support our position that life was brutal in this country for perhaps 60,000 years prior to colonisation. There was violence between tribes, and within tribes - and the worst suffering was always endured by women and children.
Why is this sort of trauma still experienced in both ATSI and other groups in our country? Mainly – it is due to extremely weak lip service being applied to the concepts of core fundamental human rights and responsibilities.
The other reason is that large numbers of people are finding it difficult to look after their family’s needs. These issues often lead to drug & alcohol abuse, domestic violence, divorce, mental illnesses such as anxiety & depression, suicide, even much petty criminal activity is a response to the difficulty many people have getting a fair go. However, another key reason is that the empire - in an updated form - continues to exploit the people and country. The system is rigged. Australia is being robbed. The country has been designated by its rulers: a tourist Mecca; a money laundering hub; and a quarry supplying cut-price resources to be extracted for processing and value adding offshore.
As mentioned - brutality has always been the norm for human beings regardless of the era or the culture. It could be argued that in the distant past there was much freelance brutality amongst the ruled but the rulers – whether royalty or religious orders – certainly could lay on great acts of large scale barbarity. Unfortunately, in the 20th Century technological advances well beyond spears and boomerangs have enabled industrial scale brutality and it has just gotten worse this century with advances in weapon of mass destruction, mass surveillance, satellite technology, bioweapons, cyber-warfare, and Artificial Intelligence.
The truth is if we remain divided the empire will continue to rule, exploit, and control the people of Australia. It really is time to end the age of exploitation. The seven key steps required are listed in >> this article. Help spread the word. Life will only get more difficult from now for most Australians if the globalist manipulators bring in policies such as digital IDs, carbon credits with social credit scores, and Central Bank Digital Currencies. These are the issues the elite are pushing. These are the main game. All other issues are distractions used to divide us and limit our power. United we can't be defeated. We are many .... they are few.
Attachment | Size |
Uluru Statement with supporting material | 1.88 MB |
BRN Submission re. Combatting Misinformation Bill | 2.55 MB |
Post Referrendum Statement For Our People And Country | 82.64 KB |
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