Turnbull & Shorten Fail

Budget 2018 Tax Battle ... It's a False Flag


Responses to the Bill & Mal Show have us arguing over taxes. That is not the real battle folks. It is a distraction. Just like arguing whether Turnbull or Shorten should lead. It's an illusion of choice. Propaganda has limited the spectrum of the allowed and acceptable debate. You are allowed to argue, discuss and fight about trivia. While the critical issue is nowhere to be seen or heard. The fundamental issue is not even on the table. But remember - the system is structured to fleece all of us and our nation. Genuine structural reforms would enable you to have the same, or better, standard of living with half the amount of paid employment. You could be working part time, job sharing, maybe only working half the year. And - you would have world class services - education, health, transport, proper retirements. It's all possible .... but a pollie will never ever show you the way. BRN wants to change the agenda and break the matrix ...... and with your help the unmentionable will be up for discussion before the next election.

Just for fun we present an oldie but goodie explanation of the the Aussie tax system below. Have a beer with Mal and Bill.

Article Information
Dr P Brandson
Bank Reform Now
Date First Published: 
10 May 2018
Posted By
Peter Brandson
Peter Brandson's picture

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