Dr Brandson's Blog

Be inspired by founder Dr Peter Brandson's thoughts and opinions, shedding light on the bigger picture of bank corruption and how it damages people's lives.

Californian woman launches historic legal case

Bankers do not loan you money from deposits taken. They "create credit" with a fraudulent contract. Billie Rene' Powers will make history on July 30th in a Californian Court that will expose the criminal and abusive nature of banking. All countries and their people will see justice finally done.

Answer the question and you'll change banking

Banks operate in a way that causes great harm to individuals and nations. What would your life be like if they operated in a way that was fair, honest and harmless?

Imagine what an honest banking system would look like. Also think about this - just because something is legal doesn't mean it's not harmful. Our big problem is -  if we can't stop the illegal things banks do right now how can we hope to stop the legal things they do that are harmful?

Take action to level the playing field

Do you think a bank that has ripped you off would take you to court if you had the same legal fire power as they do? Even better ..... do you think a bank would rip you off in the first place if they knew you could successfully take them on in any court required? BRN contributor Michael Sanderson is asking you to put a submission into the Royal Commission. Success will see banks responsible for their clients' legal expenses. It's a game changer. He's written templates for you to use. If he gets thousands of new submissions Commissioner Hayne will have to extend the duration of the RC. Join in .... we only get one RC - make it work ..... much better than what Turnbull and his banker mates had planned.

Budget 2018 Tax Battle ... It's a False Flag

Responses to the Bill & Mal Show have us arguing over taxes. That is not the real battle folks. It is a distraction. Just like arguing whether Turnbull or Shorten should lead. It's an illusion of choice. Propaganda has limited the spectrum of the allowed and acceptable debate. You are allowed to argue, discuss and fight about trivia. While the critical issue is nowhere to be seen or heard. The fundamental issue is not even on the table. But remember - the system is structured to fleece all of us and our nation. Genuine structural reforms would enable you to have the same, or better, standard of living with half the amount of paid employment. You could be working part time, job sharing, maybe only working half the year. And - you would have world class services - education, health, transport, proper retirements. It's all possible .... but a pollie will never ever show you the way. BRN wants to change the agenda and break the matrix ...... and with your help the unmentionable will be up for discussion before the next election.

Just for fun we present an oldie but goodie explanation of the the Aussie tax system below. Have a beer with Mal and Bill.

The Target Economy

Once again a treasurer ignores the big picture and fiddles around the edges. Many of our young will never own their own home in part because bankers love big pay cheques and bonuses. So what does Morrison do? He cuts taxes on beer. The genius crows about hitting targets ... and he's right. But what target? Budget night is full of fantasy and fudged figures because the truth is just too alarming ..... and dangerous. We are going backwards while the pollies pretend we are going forwards. Debt levels worsen every year. Billions on education and way too many of our kids are having difficulties with literacy and numeracy. What gives?

The tables have turned. Ex-CEOs to feel the heat

The previous big bank CEOs must deal with a letter of demand very much like the type sent to victims of predatory banking. Let's see them asked to drop in the keys to their homes and have their lifestyles turned upside down. The tables have turned now that the Hayne Banking Royal Commission has blown the lid on just how much crime and corruption exists in the financial system. Up to now senior bankers could run off with the loot regardless of how much damage clients and shareholders were left with. Decisions made by the CEOs decimated clients and cost shareholders millions if not billions of dollars and yet the bonuses and golden handshakes just flowed on regardless. It has been a boys club where insiders took parasitical pleasure from ill-gotten wealth. Actually - it's more like an organised crime ring ... but regardless - those days are over! The people will not tolerate a crooked finance system being protected by paid off politicians any longer.

A Tale Of Two Commissions ... and a disrupter

Banks are scared of a Royal Commission ... but just not the one they think they will be facing. Will politicians and public servants who covered up bank crimes be held to account? Commissioner Hayne gets a shot at turning his Commission into something grand. Will he take it?  The banks are scared of something else too .... cryptocurrency ... our liberator?

It's not over yet .. Malcolm & Barnaby

The High Court has knocked out five Parliamentarians that were elected illegally but that's not all folks. There are penalties to be paid and the pollies are kidding themselves if they think this is over. Section 46 is more active than the pollies ... and High Court want to pretend.

Australian Government Outlaws Personal Privacy

Turnbull wants to further erode your core rights and freedoms. The facial recognition program now being proposed is not about protecting you. It's about protecting your rulers. Ask the people of Barcelona how much they trust their government. Regardless how much you trust politicians now ... in the future there will be a crook in power that will abuse laws that have trashed your civil liberties.

Are you ready to have your personal information and face spread over a wide network without your permission? Does being filmed on CCTV already make you feel insecure or vulnerable? The Australian government wants to take your personal privacy and freedoms away in the name of National Security. But do you know the risks and pitfalls this will open up for the average law abiding citizen? How secure do you think Australia's data banks are? Will you be one of the first to have your ID hacked and your identity stolen?

Two critical Australian cases have exposed the racket

The elite are draining Australia's wealth and the people's freedoms. They do it by using well paid functionaries. These lackeys or stooges could very easily be considered traitors when you realise how much damage they have caused to our people and country. The dual citizenship debacle and CBA bank crises are an opportunity for reform.


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Should bank CEOs and loan officers face asset seizures and jail terms for criminal banking practices?

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