The Freedom Budget
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For your consideration - a worldwide crisis deserved a budget of serious reform. A cashless authoritarian surveillance state is being set up in front of our eyes. There is no conspiracy. It's in the open now. It's time to take a stand.
Here is the budget that could have been produced by a government wanting to really stop the coming depression and save the people's livelihoods, freedoms and rights.
Who do the "elected" leaders of most nations really work for?
Call that a budget?? This is a budget..!!
What's worse than a politician's three word slogan? How about their one word slogans? Jobs - Jobs - Jobs. Yes - "Jobs" is getting a very strong workout once again. It's a bit misleading though in the 2020 budget. The real slogan now is: Debt - Debt - Debt..!!
Can you believe that some economists say "don't worry about trillion dollar debts? .... The interest rate is so low - cheap as chips."
They seem to forget if the money borrowed is mostly consumed and not invested in production & productivity improvement it will largely be wasted as far as rescuing the economy goes. The trillions in "capital" still has to be repaid by our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
BRN has a better slogan and it applies to the budget we could have had: Freedom - Justice - Reform.
One thing the government and opposition now seem to agree on is that taxing people and businesses is bad for the economy because it restricts the ability to save, consume and invest.
The 2020 virus budget will not do the required job of protecting workers and securing their livelihoods. It will increase the risk of a severe economic calamity, push us further down the road to debt fueled serfdom and quite possibly lead to a world war as other nations tread the same path. War is good for the economy and enriches the elite. Peace and freedom is even better for the economy but it enriches the people.
The Frydenberg budget's main aim is to prop up and pump up a failing economic system designed to fleece the people and country. Google Kakistocracy - often associated with Psychopathocracy. Just about every nation is corruptly ruled in this way by people working to support an elite that aim to own and control the Earth's resources .... including its people.
Every nation can free itself from this system simply by millions of people deciding to withdraw consent. How would a budget look that really worked in the nation's interest at this time of a once-in-a-century crisis? Below is what Josh Frydenberg could have done .... if he was really wanting to tackle the issues most people are concerned about. Is it possible he doesn't realise that governments traditionally treat people as if they were just registered assets to be utilised, monitored, controlled and robbed? [see Freedom or Slavery link below]
This is the budget we need right now..!!
My fellow Australians, our great nation is in grave danger. We are all living under a very sophisticated form of slavery. The Kings and Queens of old - along with various religious and financial institutions - have persisted in the use of debt, taxes and the control of money to exploit and manipulate the populations that they continue to rule. Trillions of dollars of wealth has been stolen from ordinary men and woman of the world over hundreds of years. The rulers do not care about using deception, war, famine and disease against people if that is what is required to maintain their wealth and power. Corrupt political institutions masquerading as democracies facilitate this operation.
Equally sophisticated propaganda is used to condition the people to not only accept this state of serfdom but to forget what it actually means to live in freedom. Some are now so scared of freedom that they risk the imminent imposition of an authoritarian - austere cashless surveillance state. Free nations where the rulers have been dethroned offer us the best chance to escape the dire technocratic dystopian future that now looms large.
As of now the Morrison government wants to expose this crime against humanity, end the age of exploitation and usher in an age of freedom, justice and reform. An age that will free you from the old divide, conquer, fear, austerity paradigm. We refuse to increase by trillions the debt our people owe to the banking cartel. What might happen were we to go down that track and our children and grandchildren ended up paying back debt with high taxes and a lower standard of living - perhaps for generations? I'm sure many Aussies would choose to leave the country to build a better life where that mistake had not been made.
Living in freedom demands we all take responsibility for our choices and actions. Freedom doesn't guarantee success and happiness but it does improve the odds for many more of us. It also means we should try and live a good life - a noble life - a life where we try to do no harm. We now commit to putting in place a simplified and affordable legal structure with laws that strongly encourage citizens to avoid the use of force, fraud and coercion in our relationships - personal and business. Freedom means you have fundamental rights and responsibilities. These are not negotiable. They cannot be removed by devious politicians or misguided citizens. Your life is your life. Your property is your property. Your thoughts, freedom of speech and beliefs are yours. You do have a right to privacy and no corporate pirates should be allowed to steal it with their intrusive algorithms and bloatware. [see Bill Of Rights link below for more details]
The COVID crisis is being exploited to limit essential freedoms by the enemies of liberty.
This budget shows you that a new way of living is possible if the theft of your time, money and country is stopped. The society we now live in is not fit for humans to prosper in peace. Let me illustrate by discussing one of our biggest problems.
Mental Health
Traditionally we would throw an inadequate amount of money at this problem. More psychologists, psychiatrists and psychiatric hospital beds. Of course we should have quality services easily accessible for those in need. The issue is why are so many suffering? Could it be that modern life is far harsher than it need be? Too many children are suffering from emotional (and often physical) neglect. Their parents are struggling to provide a home and other necessities. Why are so many missing meals? Why are so many living in fear with drug and alcohol affected carers? Poverty is a key issue but the "well off" also struggle to maintain "the good life." People with good jobs have high debts to maintain a lifestyle which actually enriches the elite. The programs we announce tonight will take the pressure off because we will stop the fleecing of the country. People will be able to meet their family's needs with perhaps half the amount of paid employment that is currently required. No family will live in poverty because we can guarantee a fairly paid job for all. Our primary focus here is to prevent a suicide crisis that is inevitable in response to the virus triggered lockdowns and resulting business failures and job losses.
A Job Guarantee
Meaningful work is good for people. On the other hand meaningless work is soul destroying and a waste of time. The rulers want everyone in paid work because they can be taxed. It doesn't matter if the job is useless or provides goods and services that are unnecessary or even harmful. If a family could live well on twenty hours or so of paid work each week a mum and dad could share looking after the kids. They wouldn't need to pay someone else to do it. The rulers get a cut of every transaction. They want you and your childcare provider working your arses off..!! GDP calculations and the perpetual growth fetish are a con [see Gross Domestic Well Being link below]. The changes we announce tonight will lead to most people being able to work less paid hours. Useless jobs will disappear. The good jobs that remain will be shared - JobSharer. If we have an economic downturn of some sort and the private sector sheds jobs there will be no need for a dole payment.
A Job Guarantee is a federally funded, locally administered program that offers anyone willing and able to work a community job at a socially inclusive minimum wage. That wage is fixed for all and if a higher wage is desired people will have to switch to a private sector job as the economy recovers.
This eliminates involuntary unemployment, sets a floor price for labour below which we deem employment to be exploitative and ensures a minimum standard of living below which we deem people to be unable to meet their reasonable needs.
More good news tonight. The Morrison government is sick of the bank scandals and misconduct that has plagued the world. We do not tolerate corruption in business or government. Tonight we commit to tearing down the debt based economic Ponzi scheme that purports to be a finance system. This will significantly limit the role and need for taxation. We will have systems in place to prevent the excess printing of money. At various points we may also need to remove money from the economy via taxes to avoid inflation. We must always remember that Australia's wealth is not plastic notes and computer stored digital dollars. Our wealth is the nation's natural resources and its people. As long as we manage our money supply carefully and take that into consideration our economy will be stable. There are several simple background taxation systems we will implement when required. What we can promise tonight is that there will be no need for collecting receipts, drawing up depreciation tables and filling out a multitude of complex forms. What you do with your money is your business .... not ours - that's what freedom means.
We are breaking the paper chains that have tormented workers and businesses for decades. No Australian business will be required to pay an accountant to satisfy unreasonable, intrusive and pernicious bureaucratic requirements. No GST. No BAS, No CGT. No FBT. No payroll tax. No stamp duty. No superannuation taxes. No excise taxes. No income tax. No land tax. Your property is your property. Just imagine what that means. You will be able build or buy a home much more cheaply than previously possible [see Housing Affordability link below]. Imagine your home being owned by you - free and clear. No debt owing (once the relatively small loan required is quickly paid off) ..... and no need to pay rates or taxes on it.
Our program will see investment flow to productive businesses. We do not support bank created housing and asset bubbles.
All this is possible because we will stop the systemic and systematic fleecing of your family and country.
How can the Morrison government do all this? How can we afford to protect the Australian people and economy without a Trillion Dollar Debt that will likely never be repaid?
A Sovereign Monetary System
Tonight we announce the formation of the Australian National Bank. Our nation, just like many others, is able to supply the money and credit required for its people. All nations must pull out of the BIS/IMF/Federal Reserve Bank system. The debt based system is the major tool used to exploit all nations. It is also a key plank of the "rules based international order." [More details below in SUMIR Step 2]. We will fund essential infrastructure programs without debt to the private banking cartel. Education will be free to every Australian. This is the best way to give our kids a fair go and a good start in life. What a crime to see graduates start with massive debts. Those who rule want every person and country in debt from cradle to grave and beyond. We say .... NO MORE..!! Credit Creation is the goose that lays the golden egg. It is a critical national resource and the private banks must no longer profit from it. We bring it back to the people.
A Sovereign Wealth Fund
In addition to bringing home the bacon - and the egg .... we are bringing home the gold. We are tonight setting up a Sovereign Wealth Fund. The first deposits will consist of repatriated wealth. All countries can do this. For Aussies it means wealth that has been stolen is brought back to the country - for example the British Royal Family and the Crown will have to divest itself of all property holdings in Australia. This includes land and shareholdings in Australian businesses - including banks. What else would contribute to the Sovereign Wealth fund? How about a fair payment for the mining resources that the people allow various companies to develop? [More details below in SUMIR Step 1]
The Peace Dividend
When Australia and other countries successfully free themselves other nations will follow suit. Authoritarian rulers will of course object but free people are more content and less prone to manipulation. Only corrupt rulers can lead oppressed and fearful people into war. There will be no taxpayer funded war machine to enrich the merchants of death and destruction. This is part of our JobDestroyer program - we do not want companies and banks profiting from the manufacture, sale and use of weapons of mass destruction - nuclear, chemical and biological. Of course we seek to make engagement in those industries a crime against humanity - our PeaceMaker program.
We are no longer going to put in place schemes and programs that are designed to coerce businesses to take on more and more debt. The system described above will encourage businesses and people to invest on the merits of the project or business venture. No longer will businesses structure their affairs to get taxpayer funded payments, subsidies or tax breaks. This is how we can unlock genuine entrepreneurship and investment. Of course we treasure our natural blessings so while we encourage job and wealth creation we do not want it to damage our wonderful environment. Businesses are required to operate in a manner that maintains our clean soil, air and water assets.
An Apology
I would like to take this budget night opportunity to apologise to those who have suffered during the COVID lockdown because my government didn't make well targeted assistance more widely available. We should have helped more of the casual workforce particularly those in the arts - musicians, theatre, television, film, live shows and the wider arts industry. Also we should have assisted foreign students that were stranded here without the resources needed for housing and food. All I can say is that it was a rushed package in an emergency and we wasted a lot of money that should have been made available to others in distress. We also didn't act quickly enough to limit the need for a lockdown in the first place.
Australia is a wealthy country - no-one should be going hungry and worrying about having a roof over their head. With the reforms I have announced tonight we will together build the most prosperous and free nation on the planet. We will step up and play a role on the global stage. The exploitation of men, women and children must be stopped. A fundamental step in that battle is to see our freedoms, rights and responsibilities cherished, respected and honoured not just here in Australia but right around the globe.
BRN Comments
While some may see this as idealistic - we present the above to stimulate discussion. Our institutions have let us down. People do not trust government anymore. They certainly don't trust the upper echelons of the banking and finance sector who have repeatedly been found guilty of unconscionable criminality (while engaging in their various CountryFucker programs). The natural response is to decrease the power of politicians to cause harm and interfere with the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of the people. Of course to live in freedom people need to step up to the challenge of looking after themselves, their families and their communities. When people no longer need to work 40, 50 or 60 hours per week they will have the time required to do just that.
It is now critical to Stand - Unite - and Make It Right. The number one thing you can do right now is to resist in any and every way you can think of. For example you must use cash as much as possible. The cashless economy is a big step in locking in your slavery [see link below - $100 Notes Under Attack].
Freedom or slavery? The choice is yours.
Also below are several important videos from the BRN Facebook page with more information. We're not livestock folks - take a stand.
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