Step 1 - SUMIR - Sovereign Wealth Fund
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Home / Step 1 - SUMIR - Sover ...Time For Australia To Have A Proper Sovereign Wealth Fund
Many nations have a Sovereign Wealth Fund. There is no reason Australia can't have one which serves the nation's interests. Here we describe how it would look and how it would be funded. Including the repatriation of wealth stolen from the people by criminals aided and abetted by corrupt politicians. The problems allowing the theft to occur are systemic & structural and therefore so are the solutions.
SUMIR® Step 1 - Repatriation of the Wealth / Sovereign Wealth Fund
Sumirism is a people powered movement aiming to transform the way societies operate. Three key steps have been identified by Bank Reform Now as being required to give people a fair go and end the harsh dysfunction that can be seen developing in many societies today. The first step -
1. Repatriate the Common Wealth into the People’s Sovereign Wealth Fund. This brings back home to the people the ill-gotten wealth that has been stolen from them.
This step proposes that nations set up a People's Sovereign Wealth fund. The fund will, in part, be made up of repatriated wealth (explained below). In addition we advocate that the proceeds of "banking" or money creation be removed from the private banking cartel by the recreation and proper functioning of a Sovereign Monetary system (Reform 2 - details coming soon). Thus the money saved in interest payments flows into the wealth fund rather than to criminal banking interests. Wealth fund investment returns will contribute to funding regular payments to the people via the Triphasic Citizenship Dividend (Reform 3 - details coming soon). This is not a way of equalising incomes. It is a way of giving citizens a fair go. People are still free to work and trade but it will be in a society where hardship and bureaucracy will be reduced significantly. In addition, without the theft of people’s time and wealth they will be able to look after their needs with possibly half the paid work they are currently engaged in. This frees up people’s time and ends the rat race which exploits most people.
Over the centuries there has been an unholy trinity that has worked to exploit the people. Many refer to this grouping as the Ruling Class Axis of Royalty, Religion and Banking. It controls populations and their resources in many ways. The key point to realise is that enslaving people into serving the State or Crown is just the same as enslaving people into service of Corporate / Financial interests. Why? Because corporate interests own and control the State. It therefore very much suits the ruling elite to have control of a State which has enormous power over citizens. Particularly the power to tax and transfer large amounts of citizen wealth to banking and corporate interests via taxpayer funded subsidies, purchases (eg expensive weapons technology), interest payments and of course bank bail-outs & bail-ins.
The Axis has accumulated extraordinary wealth through crime, deception and exploitation. Apart from royal dynasties, religion based power structures and upper echelon bankers - the Axis also requires corrupt and criminal world leaders - many of whom are tyrants & dictators. For these groups ordinary folk exist to be exploited and used to serve their interests. It is well known now that psychopaths rise to the top in politics and business. Are these the best people to be organising the way we must live and work?
Honest politicians can help bring about peaceful change by delivering a simple ultimatum on behalf of the people –
Do not lament the loss of wealth and power from the ruling elite. These groups, families and individuals have profited from war, terror, exploitation for many generations. Just to be clear – the SUMIR program does not advocate the confiscation of the assets of people who have done well in honest business and investment activities. The world needs hard working clever people and they should be rewarded for their efforts. Build a better mousetrap - by all means put it to market. Write a great song get it out there and make the fans' lives a bit better. Spend years developing cheap, clean and efficient energy production methods – no problem - make a fortune. By all means - please enjoy the wealth created by making the best, most secure fully encrypted mobile phones in the world ...... but along the way workers, customers and the environment must be treated respectfully. The SUMIR movement has different fish to fry.
There has developed a structure which has seen the City of London become the headquarters of most of the world’s banking. It is linked to Wall Street and Switzerland (where the Bank of International Settlements is located). Operations such as Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank, Citi, Commerzbank, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley and Rothschild to name a few have interlocking shareholders and directors. There are powerful families – more like dynasties which have an interest in these structures worth trillions of dollars. They are not listed in the various “rich lists.”
These dynasties do not own all the world’s central banks but they do exercise significant control over them and they do very much benefit from the hundreds of trillions of dollars of debt that have been manufactured.
The people of the world have been abused by this structure so Step 1 of the SUMIR movement will be to seize the criminally acquired assets of these upper echelon banking dynasties. It is pretty easy to accumulate this type of wealth when criminal politicians give you the power to operate a Ponzi scheme monetary system where every dollar in circulation is created as debt. There is no better way to enslave the people and debauch their democracies than a criminal financial and taxation system.
Governments working in their country’s interests can do this quite easily. Politicians regularly decide to make laws that take people's money, assets and freedoms. Now they will be required to pass laws that take the elite's money, assets and perhaps freedoms.
People now very much understand that the chaos, wars, surveillance state and the attacks on fundamental freedoms & rights are all being used keep the current exploitative system in place. The mass media and education system is structured for the same purpose. All state power is being used to protect the interests of the Ruling Axis.
The system is so well structured and so well established that many of the people involved in its maintenance don't even realise they are assisting the impoverishment, debt servitude and subjugation of the people they supposedly want to help. Many "do-gooders" are actually unintentionally helping to maintain the power and wealth of the Axis. Servers of the Axis will often talk about the "rules based international order" - the rules of the game are rigged to impose debt servitude while the elite fleece nations and their peoples. In fact most countries have pseudo democracies whereby the major parties are just serving the power structures of the elite.
What the Axis fears most is people wising up - taking a united stand to make it right. In olden days there were revolutions. Crooked and abusive rulers were rounded up and hung. In the modern era we don't have to do it that way. It can be done peacefully. We just need to take effective and well targeted action. The first step is to not vote for politicians and parties that are supporting the Axis. Identify political candidates that support the simple three step SUMIR program.
Using Australia as an example - this is how the repatriation of wealth into a Sovereign Wealth fund would work.
The British Royal Family and the Crown will have to divest itself of all property holdings in Australia. This includes land and shareholdings in Australian businesses - including banks. The UK of course could also make similar arrangements. The people there can still retain a degree of fondness for the Royal Family if desired. Perhaps they would still roll down the street every so often and wave from a horse drawn carriage. The people might even provide a modest townhouse for Elizabeth and Phillip. The accumulated wealth of the Crown and the personal wealth of members of the Royal Family and associated hangers on would be placed into the UK people's Sovereign Wealth Fund.
Similarly, if people were to decide now was the time for it, various organised religious operations would see assets owned within Australia repatriated into the nation's Sovereign Wealth fund. This may seem unreasonable to those who believe that middlemen are required between people and their God. However when one considers the amount of deception, abuse, hatred, turmoil and viciousness that has been unleashed in the name of religion it becomes easier to accept. Basically human beings have very similar needs. Divisions based on religion, sex, class, politics and race are all exploited to keep populations weak and easily manipulated. Hence the need to overcome these superficial differences and unite to bring about genuine systemic reform.
A relationship with a chosen God is personal. People really don’t need a tightly controlled, extremely wealthy and often abusive church intervening. Decentralised spirituality and worship will bring people together in a much more meaningful way. Compassion and loving kindness does not require a rigid hierarchy with too many suspect church officials and hidden motives.
Regarding criminally acquired assets of politicians – the honest politicians must instigate a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The guilty may be forgiven once the ill-gotten gains are repatriated. Wealth obtained by crooked pollies in Australia is chickenfeed when compared with strong arm dictators of the Saddam Hussein, Ferdinand Marcos ilk. However there are some quite wealthy politicians and power brokers who have abused their positions to enrich themselves. That ill-gotten wealth will be identified and divested into the Sovereign Wealth Fund.
Same would apply in the USA where there is a bigger issue regarding politicians taking massive amounts of money - for example - by giving speeches at bank functions. The Clintons are prime examples [See this New York Times article]. Any wealth divested from the Clintons and others would of course go into the US Sovereign Wealth Fund.
What else would contribute to the Sovereign Wealth fund? How about a fair payment for the mining resources that the people allow various companies to develop? This doesn’t mean that the government should go into the mining business. It just means that a nation's resources are the nation's resources and the people should get a reasonable cut.
If the corruption and fleecing continues there will be calls for state owned resource companies. Some countries have successfully done this. The trick is to do it in a democracy that respects human rights and freedoms. Foreign markets can buy Aussie gas cheaper than Aussies. Once the bulk of Australian farm production is foreign owned will the best produce go overseas while Aussies are paying though the nose for the leftover scraps?
It really is time to end this charade. Whatever good people might just feel is provided to the community by wealthy royalty, powerful organised religions and even more powerful governments is nothing compared to the society that could be developed with the three point SUMIR plan. These genuine reforms will lead to significant reductions in many of the social problems societies face: crime, domestic violence, suicide, mental illness, substance abuse and poverty.
To put it bluntly: the elite will be shown what it has been like for most people. There is no guarantee of stability and comfort. The world the rulers have created for us can be unpredictable and harsh. People’s circumstances can change very easily and suddenly. People can get sick ... miss some mortgage payments and their family is in the street. The bankers engineer a global financial crisis that enriches the 0.1% and many people are out of work struggling ..... while their taxes further enrich the bankers via bail-outs. With co-ordinated and united action very soon things could change for the upper echelon elite .... and then they will feel the pain when their circumstances change.
BRN would like to see Australians lead the way. Let's show other nations what is possible. We begin by building the Sovereign Wealth Fund then we put in place the Sovereign Monetary System. Once the first two steps are well and truly underway non-discriminatory regular income payments to citizens can begin.
The current paradigm can be shifted. It will not be the end of history. It is the end of the Age of Exploitation. It could be the beginning of civilised life on Earth. It truly liberates the people and is a wonderful opportunity to usher in an age of peace, prosperity and freedom.
To some this proposal may seem fanciful or outlandish at first but people should carefully think and reflect on the ideas for a while. Is there a better proposal to bring about genuine improvements in the lives of our citizens?
Help the country work toward it. All three components are required. The other two will be detailed soon. The SUMIR movement is for you – join in, support BRN and run with it.
Next: Step 2 – A Sovereign Monetary System
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