The Takedown Of Australia
So you think we live in a Democracy? .... Maybe Crimocracy is a better description!
In a country as wealthy as Australia why are we seeing such horrific suicide figures - particularly amongst farmers, veterans and our young? Why are so many struggling with cost of living pressures - particularly housing? We are seeing such hardships because our economic system is structured to CRIMINALLY extract as much wealth as possible from the people and their country. Australians have noticed a gradual loss of core freedoms and rights as well as an attack on the nation's sovereignty. This is a worldwide phenomenon and it stems from a battle between competing criminal cartels using politics and finance as a weapon of abuse, exploitation and control. Try this thought experiment - think of Australia as a town run by an organised crime ring. AND then see what has happened to Australia - all is not as rosy as pollies and bankers told us for the last 30 years - especially before elections.
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