• Bank Reform Now Australia
  • Petition Extend Banking Royal Commission Australia

"The banking system is corrupt. The time has come to clean it up.
Take action to help bring about essential bank reforms.
It must be done. It can be done. It will be done - with your help."

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Find Out About BRN

BRN was founded by Dr Peter Brandson, a family GP in regional NSW South Coast. A victim of Predatory Lending by the National Australia Bank (NAB), he is standing up and calling for action so other families and businesses are not harmed.

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Bad Banking Stories

Read stories from just a few of the many victims of Bad Banking Behaviour. Have you lost your home, assets or business or suffered personal or family loss? Share your experience with us.

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Take Action Now!

Taking action against bad banking practices. The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) was caused by inappropriate bank lending. This issue affects every person on the planet. It will happen again if we don't act now. It is up to us to advocate and work for change.

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Now The World Knows About NAB

Bank chairman resigns, along with chief executive Andrew Thorburn, after heavy criticism in the royal commission report .. and The Guardians international readership has been informed. Great work from Paul Karp.

BRN Tells ScoMo What's Going On - Does he care?

These two emails show you what we are dealing with. The first to the Prime Minister makes it clear about the crimes that are being covered up by the Hayne Royal Commission. The response which arrived three months later on the eve of the Hayne report is a form letter which makes no mention of the key issues needing attention.

Will Hayne do what he was recruited to do? Almost certainly.

A beaut article summarising the possible findings of the Hayne banking Royal Commission. Well done Karen Maley from the AFR. Well worth a read but check out the BRN kicker at the end. All is not as it seems. For years both major parties allowed crime and corruption to fester in finance. It is time for bold new ideas.

The Bank Royal Commission Knows That We Know ....

CBA survivor, warrior and BRN friend Rory O'Brien makes the case ....... for some inexplicable reason the Royal Commission is covering up the CBA / Bankwest heist. BRN says that respect is earned. Judges and politicians do not deserves any respect (or votes) if they protect criminals in the finance sector. The RC and now QC Rowena Orr have been told .... they remain on the hook .... and will remain so until a proper investigation is completed. Read this powerful letter sent to Rowena Orr QC.

The RC must be made longer & stronger. Hayne's February report can be considered an interim report. The final report can wait until two or three independent commissioners conclude a more comprehensive and powerful investigation in one to two years. Sign our petition and we will give it to the Governor General and PM.

What Does Proper Bank Victim Compensation Look Like?

The old bank routine of Deny - Delay - Deceive no longer works. It has been flattened by Evidence - Logic - Facts - according to Bank Reform Now CEO Dr Peter Brandson. Now bankers accept remediation payments are to be paid but many want to diddle victims once again. BRN reveals today the formula for remediation that the banks don't want you to know about. Study it and spread it around. Proper remediation puts a bank client into the position they would be enjoying if the crime had not been committed.

The bank warriors are on the march. Australian politicians and bankers that don't wake up and see that the world has changed will be toasted, roasted and ousted. Corruption and finance sector rip offs are now front of mind for voters.

The Verdict Is In ..... The Banks RC must be made longer and stronger

Victims of misconduct say the royal commission has only just begun the work of exposing problems in the financial system. The Guardian's Martin Farrer and Gareth Hutchens look at why the Hayne Royal Commission just hasn't done the job required. They interview several advocates for reform including BRN's Dr B. Also - available to download the BRN 10 Reasons The RC Needs turbocharging.

A corrupt political system is holding us back

Trigger Warning - Harsh truth content ahead. Lies and other forms of propaganda aim to hide the shocking truth .... we are all being fleeced by a system that serves the elite. Our major parties work in the interests of the elite ... not voters and citizens. Election 2019 is when we can reset the system. Will you help?

Banking Victims meet with NAB's CEO Thorburn at Parliamentary Hearings

Mr Andrew Thorburn (NAB Bank CEO) made some very significant comments at his appearance in front of the House Economics Committee at the annual Big4 Banks review. Bank Reform Now provide some critical excerpts in this article. First, there are four cases the MPs were very concerned about seeing investigated and satisfactorily resolved - Rita Troiani (Wide Bay Bricks), Faye Andrews, Bill Mott and the Furneaux case.

Next, we have some important highlights. It is good to see that Mr Thorburn is committed to giving bank victims full and open access to essential files, documents and other evidence. We are also pleased that he wants to be held personally accountable!

Have our politicians got the guts & decency to tear down a criminal finance system?

In the ten years since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) - have governments done enough to reform the system? The horrific succession of scandals since then suggests not. Is the next GFC on its way?

Only by the Australian people uniting and demanding real reforms will we get the job done. Banking is organised crime on a grand scale. The finance sector has rigged the game so that they extract a disproportionate amount of Australia's wealth. It's time to bring it back.

Bank Reform Now (BRN Australia) Campaign Steaming Ahead

Bank Reform Now (BRN) and our friends have been working towards a powerful Banking Royal Commission in Australia for over 5 years. For decades both major Australian Political parties ignored calls for a proper investigation into bank misconduct. The banks continued ripping off clients and thanks to government and regulatory inaction avoided serious reforms and payment of proper compensation to bank victims.

We all have pressed on regardless because we knew this was a battle that had to be won. Public & political pressure grew and eventually, in late 2017 the banks got in first and authorised Turnbull to put up their Royal Commission on their terms. Turnbull always opposed us... now he is gone. What now?


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Bank Victims Horror Stories

From Extend RC Parliament Event
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Should bank CEOs and loan officers face asset seizures and jail terms for criminal banking practices?

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