• Bank Reform Now Australia
  • Petition Extend Banking Royal Commission Australia

"The banking system is corrupt. The time has come to clean it up.
Take action to help bring about essential bank reforms.
It must be done. It can be done. It will be done - with your help."

Donate & Benefit

Donate To Support Your donation will help Bank Reform Now's campaign move forward with the mission to see justice for bank victims, stop the corruption and expose the lies, Donations will also enable on-giving to victims of bad banking practices and Mental Health Services.

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Find Out About BRN

BRN was founded by Dr Peter Brandson, a family GP in regional NSW South Coast. A victim of Predatory Lending by the National Australia Bank (NAB), he is standing up and calling for action so other families and businesses are not harmed.

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Bad Banking Stories

Read stories from just a few of the many victims of Bad Banking Behaviour. Have you lost your home, assets or business or suffered personal or family loss? Share your experience with us.

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Take Action Now!

Taking action against bad banking practices. The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) was caused by inappropriate bank lending. This issue affects every person on the planet. It will happen again if we don't act now. It is up to us to advocate and work for change.

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Will Hayne ask for more power and time? We think he should ... here's why.

While the Hayne Royal Commission into banking and finance has uncovered some shocking misconduct it really has just scratched the surface.  BRN wants a longer and stronger inquiry. Leon Ashby lists some critical areas that still require thorough investigation.

Time to elect pollies that represent us

The time has come. A fact's a fact. The system's corrupt. It's time to act. The 2019 election might be our last chance to rescue our democracy, country and way of life. It is now very clear that politics is a circus designed to distract us from important issues. BRN will put the unmentionable issue on the agenda and encourage you to demand important structural reforms. Any politician that wants to be elected will know they must begin serving the people ... not the elite.

Cherish these rights ... and protect your freedom

The world is changing. People are extremely unhappy with the elite ripping them off and trampling their rights and freedoms. Populism is fine .... as long as it doesn't lead to megalomaniac or psychopathic leaders imposing authoritarian policies which could lead to a new world tyranny. The tyranny of the masses can only be held in check with societies respecting and cherishing universal fundamental rights and responsibilities. If a misguided majority wants to damage these rights. Tough luck! If the powerful elite abuse government and media to slowly steal these rights. Tough luck! These are a no go area. Off limits. And every corner of the political, legal, corporate, financial sectors better understand it.

The real battle has always been - Freedom Vs Slavery

Discover how and why our freedoms are gradually being stolen. Find out who are the real beneficiaries of "solutions" put forward for phony problems. Here we use the latest push toward a cashless economy to illustrate the methods being used. This is a worldwide scam and is part of the reason societies are rejecting mainstream politics, mainstream media and any organisations that serve interests which oppose the people, their country and their Sovereignty.

Sponsor Bank Reform Now's Campaign

Short Summary: 
If your business or organisation thinks it is time to do something about bad banking practices in Australia, then consider sponsoring the Bank Reform Now Campaign. BRN sponsorship packages equate to low cost promotion of your business and you will be helping BRN's people-powered fight to expose the lies, stop corruption and deliver justice for the sake of our people, economy and future generations...


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Bank Victims Horror Stories

From Extend RC Parliament Event
>> See ALL Horror Stories List

Bank victims, supporters and concerned citizens want to see...
ANZ CEO Shayne Elliott finally admits documents they used...
In the past bankers liked to present themselves as...
How low can a bank go? Setting up a farmer to strip the...

Recent News & Articles

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Right now it is very likely the Voice will not be approved...

Need Support?

Financial Help
Tips & Resources to help you avoid or manage financial difficulty...

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Emotional Help
Financial stress is a major factor in depression and anxiety, if you are suffering you can get help...

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Should bank CEOs and loan officers face asset seizures and jail terms for criminal banking practices?

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