Bank Warrior Delivers Truth To Power

Selwyn Krepp Exposes The Dark Side Of CBA To The Senate


The Australian Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee headed by Senator Louise Pratt officially gave bank victims ten days to respond to their current inquiry - Resolution of disputes with financial service providers within the justice system. On Thursday the 21st of March they had a public hearing.

Plenty of insiders usually congregate at these events - lawyers, industry bodies etc. Here we saw the Australian Bankers Association and AFCA featured and giving responses ..... but one man representing bank victims was somehow allowed to present. Bank warrior Selwyn Krepp had something to say and it was much more than the Senators were expecting.

Mr Krepp has detailed to CBA various breaches of the Corporations Act, the NCCP and the Code of Banking Practice, plus the failure of their code of conduct.  This is a horror story that also was in large part responsible for the suicide of the Krepp's lawyer.

CBA has consistently and persistently refused to apologise and remediate Mr Krepp. The Senate must be wondering how CBA's CEO Matt Comyn sleeps at night when his bank can treat a customer in the way the Krepps have and are being treated.

Article Information
Banking Company: 
Bank Malpractice Type: 
Unconscionable Conduct
Dr P Brandson - BRN CEO
Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee Australia
Date First Published: 
21 Mar 2019
Posted By
Peter Brandson
Peter Brandson's picture

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