Yellow Vests In Australia
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Home / Yellow Vests In Austra ...People Power On The March - 19.01.19
Bank Reform Now CEO launches Yellow Vest Sydney gathering with powerful speech that spills the beans that the elite and their pollies don't want you to know about. The Yellow Vest movement's first Australian rallies began on Saturday the 19th of January 2019. While we have been inspired by the French movement Aussies are doing it their way. Peaceful gatherings to show the government we are sick of business as usual. For decades both major parties have worked against the people's interests. Just like BRN, the Yellow Vests want to bring power back to the people. They want to stop the elite controlling governments in order to facilitate their continuous fleecing of the people and country. Citizen Initiated Referendum is the only official policy they are pushing for.
This is the speech given by BRN CEO Dr B at the Sydney rally at Martin Place. He was asked by organisers to speak and of course he was happy to help ..... thanks to the sensible agreement that had been negotiated making Yellow Vest events family friendly and peaceful.
BRN Helps Yellow Vests Launch In Australia
19/01/19 - Speech To Yellow Vest Gathering Martin Place Sydney - Dr P Brandson CEO Bank Reform Now
Wow..!! - Thank you all so much for being here. Today is the continuation of something big. The French started this and the Aussies are going to hit a home run with it. Let's do this the Aussie way..!!!
Nine independent yellow vest groups have come to an agreement - so please note: we are about peaceful action to empower the people. We are not interested in violence and vandalism. If you are wearing a yellow vest you must agree. We do not give the government any excuse to discredit the movement. Thank you to our friends in blue for being here with us to insure this is a great day for all of us.
Friends - we are all in this together. Our Yellow Vest Movement is peaceful, it is not political, we believe in love and mutual respect for all - doesn't matter what colour your skin is, what sex you are, what your religion is, who you might have voted for in the past. Left - Right / Liberal - Labor / Republican - Democrat - all these superficial differences have been magnified and abused to keep us divided and weak. It’s the old story of divide and conquer.
I'm a full time country doctor. How come I was asked to speak to you today? It's a long story ... but I'll give you the short version. In a nutshell I strongly believe that once you really see injustice and corruption you can't un-see it …. and you can't forget it. More of us see it now daily and many of us are now joining together to stop it. The yellow vests have come at just the right time for Australia.
I founded Bank Reform Now 6 years ago to expose and then help reform the corruption and crime that exists in the finance system. In that time we rallied at Parliament House Canberra calling for a Banking Royal Commission and then when we got the limited - bank friendly - version we continued to fight for a longer and stronger one. Can you hear us Scott Morrison? Malcolm Turnbull didn’t listen back then. There might be a lesson there for French President Macron – who - like Turnbull – is an ex-banker - (Rothschild and Goldman Sachs respectively).
Right now Bank Reform Now is in negotiations with all four major banks to settle shocking legacy cases for people like you who have worked hard all their lives and had crooked bankers screw them and then use dodgy liquidators and lawyers to strip them of everything they had worked for. Full and proper compensation & remediation is what we demand and we shall have it! Guilty bankers must be jailed & stripped of ill-gotten gains. Victims of bank crimes must be restored to the position they would enjoy had the misconduct not occurred. That is how you change the banks’ conduct and culture. The government’s - sorry - the bankers’ Banking Royal Commission didn’t even touch the lawyers and liquidators. Maybe Commissioner Hayne should extend it if the government won’t.
Do you think the banking system is fit for purpose?
Do you think bankers are fleecing you from cradle to grave and beyond?
Do you want an honest finance system that serves your needs?
The yellow vests are proposing a way to help you vote for reforms that will lead us to a much fairer system in banking and beyond.
Do you like the direction that our and the rest of the world’s politicians have been leading our nations?
Do you think the world’s leaders are really working in our interests?
Most countries have corrupted democracies whereby the people have no real choice because the parties likely to win serve elite interests and not those of the people. In those countries undermining the Constitution is a nasty tactic used by politicians against their own people and country.
The wars and economic manipulations that we are suffering (and paying for) are part of the geopolitical game that sees psychopaths and crooks reach the top. Once there the sole aim appears to be protecting their turf so that they can continue to rob the peoples of the world. Control of resources - including people - is the game. Taxation and debt is their weapon of choice.
That game sees our freedoms and rights trampled on. It's almost like the government is just another corporation that facilitates the draining of the country's wealth.
Dodgy banks, dodgy superannuation, dodgy insurance, dodgy regulators, dodgy politics and dodgy law. Do you see a pattern here? - George Orwell would.
Our politicians are not serving us. They serve the elite first ….. and themselves second …. we are a distant third.
Governments of all persuasions and monolithic corporations can poison us, spy on us, rob us and mislead us ….. and a corrupted inaccessible legal system actually helps them get away with it. Laws are made and waived by governments to suit the current elite. Much of the media also serves their favoured establishment. Something is wrong..!!
Surely the purpose of our institutions must be to serve the people’s interests.
Is our legal system fit for purpose?
Is our government fit for purpose?
Do the people need to have more say and more power?
We are being treated as registered units of economic activity. Are you a human being or a registered economic unit?
We are human beings. We want a fair go to build a good life for our families in peaceful communities. Exploitative and often harsh societies that do not support their people’s wellbeing exacerbate and cause the many ills that plague humanity – homelessness, financial insecurity, mindless consumerism, gambling, eating disorders, alcoholism, drug abuse, anxiety, depression, suicide – the situations, addictions and disorders that numb our quiet desperation ….. often overwhelm us …. and tragically sometimes kill us. It does not have to be like this.
And - so much can be done to heal and repair … but a politician will never bring the solutions to you - this is where the Yellow Vest call for Citizen Initiated Referendum comes in.
We don't ask for freedom - we don't beg for freedom - We must take freedom..!!
Do you want justice and freedom?
Do you want Australia to show the world how it can be done peacefully?
Just remember this – even though we have some serious problems we are living in one of the best countries in the world. I would love to see Aussies set an example that helps bring freedom, important reforms and justice to many countries and their peoples.
The rights we inherited and want to now rediscover should protect all people from abuses and harm. We have to stop the elite and their henchman in law and politics harming all people …. in all nations.
Do you think there would be austerity, war and hunger in a world where people got a fair go and where the global manipulators were stripped of their power?
If the system was fair do you think every three years we'd have to listen to dodgy politicians promising better roads, schools and hospitals?
Do you think switching between tweedle-dee and tweedle-dumb every three years has been working for you and our country?
Do you think a system that applauds GDP figures that are built on corporate crimes and abuses is OK?
Every dodgy product or service that the government allows to be sold boosts the GDP. Even the pay and perks of politicians and bureaucrats that are working against your country's interests is boosting those rubbery GDP numbers.
Our wealth is not digits on the computer screens of the international private banking cartel. Our wealth is this country's resources and this country's people.
What we desperately need is a political system that appreciates and honours this. What we must have very soon is a means and system to ensure that our politicians do actually honour us and our great country.
Citizen Initiated Referendum - CIR - (our French brothers and sisters call it RIC) allows us to do just this. CIR enables and empowers a nation’s people to directly inform its legislation. Rather than supposed representatives – the government – exclusively proposing, discussing and enacting law - citizens at large may engage in the process. We may propose legislation for debate and gauge one another’s support for it. If popular, the legislation would then proceed to parliament. If the government does not want to make the change then it is bound to present the new law to the people at a referendum. If the law is accepted the parliament is obliged to honour the will of the people.
CIR can also be used to recall a Senator or MP. That means if an honourable politician somehow becomes dishonourable the voters in his or her electorate or State can decide to give them the boot. That sounds like real democracy.
Of course - with such power comes great responsibility. Along with CIR we must have certain cherished and respected fundamental inalienable rights that cannot be voted out of existence. A clearly expressed Bill of Rights that enshrines the critical concepts that are essential to a life lived in true freedom is required. We have a model here >> on the Bank Reform Now website.
With CIR, we could collectively and directly create a system that serves our interests – and one that is responsive to the changing world that we find ourselves in.
Industries are changing, economies are changing – work is changing very rapidly. With CIR we can share, discuss and implement reforms that will enable us to not merely survive these changes – but also to thrive with them.
This is serious - Artificial Intelligence and Automation is going to destroy millions of jobs and many people will be of zero economic value to the elite. The elite have plans when the next crash occurs. And you can be sure their plans will decrease your living standard with painful austerity measures and steal your remaining freedoms. We need to have policies developed and ready. We need to drive the change - otherwise your kids and grandkids will be living with more hardships and limitations than you and your parents had to endure. With the direction taken this century - opportunities for a good life are fast receding. A home of your own is already becoming an unattainable dream for many.
What can we achieve with CIR? Well let me give you an example very close to home.
Three years ago Bank Reform Now developed a three-point reform program inspired both by our changing world and also the great need for a system that is fit for purpose – fit for serving the people.
The policy suite centres around: a Sovereign wealth fund, a Sovereign monetary system, and a Triphasic Citizenship Dividend). Put together properly the combination is far more powerful and workable than any component on its own. The BRN Citizenship Dividend is fully funded and not of the type of basic income the elite want to use during the next crisis where digital “helicopter” money will be dropped into your bank account.
People now know that the money banks lend does not come from bank deposits. Contract abuse, promissory note manipulation and securitisation are methods used to fleece all of us. Ten years ago the biggest financial crisis since the 1930s created havoc and hardship around the world but the people who caused it got rewarded. It won’t happen again. Banking is organised crime on a grand scale. It is time to fix it.
Reclaiming sovereignty over our monetary system is a key step that we can take to ensure that the wealth of our nation is no longer commandeered by a corrupt elite, while the sovereign wealth fund and citizenship dividend would work to invest in our nation’s true wealth ……. its resources and people.
With these responsive reforms we would increase our standard of living through the technological and economic transitions of our age.
You could have the same or better standard of living with possibly half the number of paid hours work. Think about it. You could work part time, job share - work half a year. Much more time for enjoying life and being involved in productive non-economic activities.
We can build a country where the fair go really does exist.
I call these reforms S.U.M.I.R – it refers to the only mechanism which can bring about such reforms – people taking informed action - Stand - Unite and Make it Right …..…. Would it surprise you to know that the fundamentals of S.U.M.I.R are not new?
Australia’s constitution, itself, gives its people sovereignty over its monetary system. Australia funded the Snowy Hydro Scheme - not with debt to foreign banks - but with sovereign money through its then sovereign bank …. the Commonwealth Bank. This bank was destroyed by bankers and politicians working against the people’s interests – it was a slow death by a thousand cuts over decades before its carcass was finally sold off by Paul Keating.
Did the people vote for that sale? Was it done in secret behind closed doors …... by elites who’d rather not consult you?
The world's bankers and power brokers can't stand the idea of nations having a sovereign monetary system – because it takes the power out of their hands.
Our wealth is being stolen and transferred to the 0.1%. Billions of dollars every year! Credit creation is the goose that lays the golden egg. We can and should have world class services and infrastructure but the resources that would pay for it are being sucked out of our pockets and country.
S.U.M.I.R type proposals will only take off with people using their political power or using CIR.
So! - we used to have a Commonwealth Bank. Also – we have seen many nations build prosperity with sovereign wealth funds – Singapore, Norway, oil rich Middle East nations. With some innovative policies we could too. With Sovereign Money and Sovereign Wealth our nation can afford a Citizenship Dividend …. All possible if we look outside of the box and free ourselves from the status quo that binds us with paper chains, unsustainable debt and unreasonable taxes.
Finally, would it surprise you to know that CIR, itself, is not new? Switzerland has been engaging in CIR since the end of the 1800s. If the Swiss can have it, why can’t we?
Let’s reclaim our democracy!
Let’s make our system fit for purpose!
Let’s create a society that serves us – its people!
What can you do now?
1. Wear a yellow vest next week on Australia Day – wherever you are and whatever you are doing.
2. Attend political functions and events with your vest on. For example - the bank warriors are having a meeting on Tuesday February 12 at Parliament House in Canberra. Come along with your vest on. Details will be on the Bank Reform Now website and Facebook page – check them out and get involved.
3. Join up with your local Yellow Vest crew on Facebook.
4. Regularly attend rallies and gatherings to help build momentum. Talk to your family and friends – they want a free and fair country too.
5. Prepare for the May Election. This one will be very different. First – there are no safe seats. Second – last time … (counting unregistered eligible voters) 30% of us did not vote for a major party. The ALP got its second worst result while the LNP its fourth worst. It is important to vote for candidates that support good policy – like CIR. If they don’t support you … don’t vote for them. The major parties have rigged the voting system with a forced preferential system. In other words if your chosen candidate doesn’t win the vote goes to the ALP or LNP anyway. If you don’t want your vote going to a major party – use one of the modified voting methods which will stop the preference flow – details will be on the BRN and Yellow Vest websites before the election.
Let’s hope there are some good independents who commit to new ideas and innovative policies - regardless what the elite want. Also perhaps the new political landscape will see LNP and ALP candidates make their support for you much clearer ….. perhaps by seeing the writing on the wall and choosing independence & honour over unemployment & shame.
Despite what we have today discussed - there are some good people in Parliament House - just like there are some good people in banking. The problem is the system that they are working in. The system has been corrupted .... on purpose - to steal the power of the people and wreck our democratic rights and freedoms. CIR and the Aussie Yellow Vest movement can bring the changes our country needs if we work together wisely.
I am honoured to have been asked to be here today to help launch the Yellow Vest movement in Australia. Thank you to Maxime from the NSW crew for inviting me. Thank you to Roman Light in France for helping get the message out to us. Thank you to all the other Yellow Vest groups for working together to make this a success.
And - thank you to all of you for coming out and showing the world that we can help bring justice to the whole world one country at a time with honour, respect and goodwill. Thank you. You are all champs. And just to finish off I would like to remind everyone.
The Yellow Vest Alliance has agreed to peaceful mass action with the aim of putting into our system of government Citizens Initiated Referendum and to investigate how issues such as the following can be developed to enhance our democracy –
• Honest Government and Media
• Single Transaction Tax with no loopholes,
• Public-Owned Banks,
• Authentic Individual and National Freedom
• A modern Bill of Rights embedded into the Constitution.
The Australian Yellow Vest Alliance wants to team up with our Aussie family, so that together we will:
We are all Australians and together we cannot be stopped!
UPDATE April 2019 - At Election 2019 a party has registered the Yellow Vest name. This effectively sabotaged the movement. There have been no rallies since this occurred. BRN is not affiliated with any political party. The article above is written by BRN for people interested in reform .... not another political party.
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© Bank Reform Now™ - Australian Non Profit Organsiation - campaigning to put a stop to predatory, unconscionable banking practices.
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