Yellow Vests In Australia

People Power On The March - 19.01.19


Bank Reform Now CEO launches Yellow Vest Sydney gathering with powerful speech that spills the beans that the elite and their pollies don't want you to know about. The Yellow Vest movement's first Australian rallies began on Saturday the 19th of January 2019. While we have been inspired by the French movement Aussies are doing it their way. Peaceful gatherings to show the government we are sick of business as usual. For decades both major parties have worked against the people's interests. Just like BRN, the Yellow Vests want to bring power back to the people. They want to stop the elite controlling governments in order to facilitate their continuous fleecing of the people and country. Citizen Initiated Referendum is the only official policy they are pushing for.

This is the speech given by BRN CEO Dr B at the Sydney rally at Martin Place. He was asked by organisers to speak and of course he was happy to help ..... thanks to the sensible agreement that had been negotiated making Yellow Vest events family friendly and peaceful.

Article Information
Dr P Brandson - Bank Reform Now CEO
Bank Reform Now
Date First Published: 
19 Jan 2019
Posted By
Peter Brandson
Peter Brandson's picture

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