Albo The Gaslighter

Albo Unmasked - Same as all the rest


How many times did PM Albanese  make it clear that the Stage 3 Tax changes were going to be implemented as planned and agreed to by both major parties? The main problem is not that he is deceptive - they all are. The bigger problem was that there were no tax cuts or cost of living relief at all. In fact he has locked in tax rises. But that isn't even the worst of it. The whole tax system itself is a criminal operation enriching the rulers. We need some decent MSM journos on the case to expose the fallacy about the need for taxation in its current form. Here is a clue - in 1913 USA - the Income Tax was established at the same time as the Federal Reserve. You might be able work out the rest.

The government and the banks caused the inflation, interest rate rises, and cost of living disaster. People seriously think pollies work for them?

Article Information
P Brandson - BRN CEO
Facebook Post
Date First Published: 
25 Jan 2024
Posted By
Peter Brandson
Peter Brandson's picture

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