Press Releases

Press releases are issued from time to time to alert the media and the public about breaking news and stories from Bank Reform Now.

Shamed Aussie Bankers Will Be Shunned

It is inevitable that people will find the behaviour of bankers intolerable. In a world first, upper echelon Australian bankers will likely soon be shunned by a broad section of the community. We will have important reforms when we have the guts to take a united stand. We must demand our freedom, rights and privacy. We do that in part by laughing our tormentors out of their positions of power and influence. Shunning these characters is far easier and more effective than violent revolution. Eventually we will have our justice & freedom by developing and using an alternate system that suits our needs - not theirs. It is that simple!

Turnbull's Commission Serves Banking Interests

The battle for a proper investigation into the financial system has intensified with Malcolm Turnbull's attempts to sabotage the upcoming Royal Commission with unsatisfactory terms of reference.

12 Months Post Telling Turnbull The Truth At The Canberra Rally - What now?

On the anniversary of the BRN Tell The Truth To Turnbull Rally we present a summary showing how the campaign has progressed and what people can do to bring about real reforms that will make a big difference in the way we can live, work and play. Bank reform is just the first step if you want a harmonious and prosperous nation. It's a tough job but if we don't do it our kids will have a much tougher time making ends meet and affording a home of their own. The deck is stacked against us and if we keep voting left right ... left right ... nothing will change. We need to harness the power of the people to make sure that whichever party and politicians are in power we have them working in our interests.

Why Is The Dream Of Home Ownership Out Of Reach?

Powerful vested interests are very keen to see the housing bubble continue to grow. Governments are not working to really solve the problem - in large part because they too profit from continued new construction and turnover of properties. This article reveals the truth about why home-ownership will very soon become an unachievable goal for most Australians.

Cherish these rights ... and protect your freedom

The world is changing. People are extremely unhappy with the elite ripping them off and trampling their rights and freedoms. Populism is fine .... as long as it doesn't lead to megalomaniac or psychopathic leaders imposing authoritarian policies which could lead to a new world tyranny. The tyranny of the masses can only be held in check with societies respecting and cherishing universal fundamental rights and responsibilities. If a misguided majority wants to damage these rights. Tough luck! If the powerful elite abuse government and media to slowly steal these rights. Tough luck! These are a no go area. Off limits. And every corner of the political, legal, corporate, financial sectors better understand it.

The real battle has always been - Freedom Vs Slavery

Discover how and why our freedoms are gradually being stolen. Find out who are the real beneficiaries of "solutions" put forward for phony problems. Here we use the latest push toward a cashless economy to illustrate the methods being used. This is a worldwide scam and is part of the reason societies are rejecting mainstream politics, mainstream media and any organisations that serve interests which oppose the people, their country and their Sovereignty.

BRN Resource Material For Media Use & Supporters To Spread The Word

This kit gives the media an overview of how Bank Reform Now came into existence and why it is pushing for change in how banks operate and behave. Corrupt banking practices have caused great damage to all of us. Find out how BRN and its supporters will force changes that banks and government do not want to see. Supporters can also use this kit as a basis to produce their own promotional material to help spread the word.

100% of bankers now know ...... the jig is up!

The November 21 Tell the Truth to Turnbull Rally was a major success. People from around the nation gathered outside Parliament House Canberra and made it very clear to bankers and governments. The days of business as usual banking ... and politics are over.

Bank victims and experts on bank misconduct going to Canberra

Victims of bank misconduct are heading to Canberra on Nov 21 to make sure politicians hear and understand how their lives have been affected. Experts in the field such as Dr Evan Jones will show you what bankers are hiding.


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Bank Victims Horror Stories

From Extend RC Parliament Event
>> See ALL Horror Stories List

Bank victims, supporters and concerned citizens want to see...
ANZ CEO Shayne Elliott finally admits documents they used...
In the past bankers liked to present themselves as...
How low can a bank go? Setting up a farmer to strip the...

Recent News & Articles

Coercive Predatory Capitalism (CPC) – the root of all evil...
The OPTUS Outage has made very clear that our ability to...
Right now it is very likely the Voice will not be approved...

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Financial Help
Tips & Resources to help you avoid or manage financial difficulty...

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Emotional Help
Financial stress is a major factor in depression and anxiety, if you are suffering you can get help...

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Should bank CEOs and loan officers face asset seizures and jail terms for criminal banking practices?

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