• Bank Reform Now Australia
  • Petition Extend Banking Royal Commission Australia

"The banking system is corrupt. The time has come to clean it up.
Take action to help bring about essential bank reforms.
It must be done. It can be done. It will be done - with your help."

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Find Out About BRN

BRN was founded by Dr Peter Brandson, a family GP in regional NSW South Coast. A victim of Predatory Lending by the National Australia Bank (NAB), he is standing up and calling for action so other families and businesses are not harmed.

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Bad Banking Stories

Read stories from just a few of the many victims of Bad Banking Behaviour. Have you lost your home, assets or business or suffered personal or family loss? Share your experience with us.

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Take Action Now!

Taking action against bad banking practices. The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) was caused by inappropriate bank lending. This issue affects every person on the planet. It will happen again if we don't act now. It is up to us to advocate and work for change.

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Why does CBA avoid the hard questions?

Craig Caulfield and the bank warriors keep up the pressure despite COVID restrictions. A proper Virtual AGM would allow shareholders to ask any appropriate question desired. There is no excuse for banks to filter and censor the discussion. The AGM is the best opportunity to point out bank problems. The bank boards and senior executives must be held accountable in a transparent fashion. Public scrutiny is essential to bring about reforms that will make the banks operate ethically and honestly.

A great report from Craig and the team. See the questions CBA did not want discussed. It's an eyeopener.

Dark Virus Has A Silver Lining

Aussies have done well limiting the spread of the virus. Had Prime Minister Morrison acted a bit earlier on closing the border and putting in place an effective business hibernation we could have begun ending the partial shutdown in six to eight weeks - perhaps sooner in some regions. Decisions and timing matter .... big time.

The COVID-19 virus crisis brings a great opportunity for long overdue reforms that will transform and improve the lives of every Australian. BUT it all depends on whether our government puts the interests of the elite ahead of our interests. Right now the government is looking at Aussie families and small businesses taking a hit. Bank Reform Now says ...... SWITCH THE HIT..!!

Morrison & Albanese must give us the truth. COVID-19 crisis demands honest answers.

Australia faces  a crisis possibly much worse than the Great Depression. We can only survive it by working together with a Prime Minister (and other political leaders) that are brave, honest and intelligent. Now is the time for the nation's leadership to level with us. What is the truth about the way our laws, economy and society are structured?

The following questions demand an honest response from Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese.

The COVID-19 crisis will see the elite increase our debt and steal more of our country's wealth. The choice boils down to ..... Freedom or Slavery?

Government refuses to accept the will of the people re: Cash Ban

The government is playing dirty to try and ram through the Cash Ban Bill. The Senate refused publication of thousands of submissions including the one from Bank Reform Now. We publish it here and encourage you to get active. Albanese and his ALP also want to ban cash. The only way we can stop the Bill is to force Scott Morrison to scrap it. We need to split the Liberal and National parties. Some of their members are opposed to it and the Victorian State branch voted against it recently. Time to take a stand against pollies working in the interests of foreign powers and organisations.

A blast of truth to LNP MPs & Senators. What do you stand for?

For decades it's been very hard to tell the major parties apart. They have both presided over: the trampling of freedoms and rights; Australia being sold off; the gradual destruction of the nation's sovereignty; and of course - the loss of respect for politicians and the institutions that are supposed to work in the people's interests. Here we come to the realisation that the  Liberal Party has no interest in fundamental freedoms. We lay bare their hypocrisy and lies. It's not a pretty sight.

Two things must be done by LNP politicians that are not happy with the party's lurch toward authoritarianism. They must get Morrison to axe the Cash Ban Bill and they must see to it that the Speaker of the House changes the rules to allow peaceful protest inside Parliament House.

Bank Licences To Operate Now On The Line

When BRN first formed one of our first claims was that banking was "organised crime on a grand scale." This article is so perfect it is a must read. Banks really are run and organised by lawbreaking supervillains. We need powerful superheroes to bring them to justice. Apart from all the activists, whistleblowers and journalists that are doing a great job exposing crimes - the regulators have now been embarrassed into action after decades of the light touch "see no evil" approach.

Yes - a bank's licence to operate should be on the line for criminal breaches and serious misconduct. BRN's SUMIR program has called for a  Sovereign Monetary system that functions in the interests of the country and its people. Other countries of the world will need to do the same. Australia is now positioned to set the example and do this. A National Bank is a big stepping stone. Westpac cannot afford the fines it will incur from the latest scandal.

Scott Morrison has made it clear he wants to crackdown on criminal transactions. Unfortunately his target was dead wrong. Ordinary citizens are the target of his Cash Ban Bill. How dare Morrison and his government force us to be at the  mercy of these criminal organisations! The real targets should be the bankers and other white collar criminals that snub their noses at the law .... and use electronic transactions to do it. Will Morrison use Westpac or another big bank to establish our National Bank?

Economist Richard Denniss says - "The scrutiny of the big four should not stop until their staggering, systemic breaches of the law do." We agree.

T-Shirt Threatens The System. Parliament Security Cracks Down.

BRN CEO threatened with eviction from Parliament House .... for wearing a T-Shirt. Is this what has become of Australia? Have we forgotten about cherished rights and freedoms? Will the Speaker of the House Tony Smith adjust the rules regarding protest? If people can't protest peacefully what are their alternatives?

While NAB's CEO Phil Chronican was in the dock at the House Economics Committee someone complained about a T-Shirt. This is what happened next ....

Government assists banks with a phony code of practice

The Australian Banking Association released its new Code of Banking Practice on the 1st of July. This letter was to be sent to Treasurer Frydenberg a few days later but we decided to hang onto it while we monitored ASIC, Treasury and the banks. We have now sent this to the Treasurer and publish it here today because very soon the Senate will vote on a motion to disallow the new Code. Every Senator must vote to axe the code ..... here's why.......

Australia Needs Honest Banking & Politics - Time To Take Action

The finance sector has been shown to be operating in a way that harms customers and citizens in general. Criminals within the system have been allowed to profit from horrific abuses by not only bank CEOs and boards but also ASIC, the Bankers Association - and of course .... the politicians that they pretty much own and control. Everyone is affected - if people can't trust the government and the banks we really are done for.

The Banking Royal commission exposed the tip of the iceberg. Now is the time to push for reforms. This article gives you the tools you need to help get results. Political contact information - email addresses, phone & fax numbers. Plus policy positions that will change the finance sector and politics. If you want justice and a better future for your family work with us in an effective and coordinated campaign. It's a numbers game. A politician's main concern is keeping their seat. The aim here is to get MPs and Senators to publicly support policies that will benefit the people and country. Unless they publicly support you with speeches in the Parliament and media interviews they are not serious.

We have the power to turf them out. The number of people contacting them determines whether they take an issue seriously or not. Let's make 2019 the year we get justice.

AFCA May Yet Prove Useful

AFCA Chair Helen Coonan says community trust in the finance sector had been "shattered", with financial institutions causing "despair and hopelessness in many broken lives and broken businesses." If a key part of the economy profits from this type of crooked dealing with customers something is terribly wrong. If we have to remove one CEO after another so be it. Our sense of justice has not been tempered .... it's been honed razor sharp and it will be used to remove recalcitrant bankers, regulators and politicians. Justice has been delayed ..... it will  not be denied and it will be sweet.

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority is  making the right noises BUT it has built in limitations. Just like the Banking Code of Conduct and the Code Compliance monitoring apparatus it is rigged in favour of bankers. Victims of bank crimes have the deck stacked against them BUT Helen Coonan will serve a purpose that could help victims despite her hands being tied behind her back.


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Bank Victims Horror Stories

From Extend RC Parliament Event
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Should bank CEOs and loan officers face asset seizures and jail terms for criminal banking practices?

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