Banking News

Find the latest news and stories about banks caught out in illegal and corrupt activity from around the world.

Even the limited RC has revealed criminal conduct

Aussie bank misconduct revealed by the light-touch Hayne inquiry is still so shocking that politicians, bankers and regulators will never be able to go back to the good old days of rampant fleecing and misbehavior. Great report from Reuters' Byron Kaye.

Bank's Secret Weapon: Jeff Kennett

The bank warriors have made their powerful presence felt at another bank AGM - this time at NAB's. Fireworks were seen with shareholders more than angry. Billions have been destroyed by poorly performing bankers who still demand big money for shocking conduct. Craig Caulfield initiated and co-ordinated the warrior's AGM action. He and the other warriors are champs in the battle for justice. Here reporter Joyce Moullakis explains what NAB is trying to do with the help of Jeff Kennett.

Rowena Orr exposes Ken Henry at Banks RC

Well, well, well - another great bank warrior ... Rowena Orr QC - has had her hands full today at the Royal Commission. She has been dissecting an insider. Ken Henry made it very clear that he doesn't appreciate being questioned. Rowena Orr was not copping the attitude. Here are some key points from James Thomson.

CBA still upset about Bankwest publicity. How come? Something to hide?

Canberra man Neil Hermes reports being intimidated by CBA staff less than three hours after he told them he had submitted evidence of his dealings with the bank to the Royal Commission. The staffer that did that is living in the old days. Banks must change. The ones that don't will be left behind. Neil was a CBA Bankwest victim. The Royal Commission has let him down so far. It must be extended and really sort out the Bankwest scandal.

Bank Victim Craig & the bank reform gang do the CBA Bank AGM

HOT OFF THE PRESS - Craig Caulfield has been battling to get justice from the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) for nine years. He has just sent us his latest on the first bank - CBA - to feel the power of the people during the AGM phase of the campaign. There are other banking events over the next few weeks. Join in. Here is what Craig had to say -

Banker rips off bank .... and is looking at jail

This NAB story is very interesting. Spot the difference - A banker rips off the bank and is quick smart reported to police - pleads guilty in court - and most likely will be jailed. A banker rips off a client .....  well you know how it used to end. But not anymore. We are now in a changed environment. Reforms are brewing that will see bankers heavily fined and jailed ..... and their victims fully compensated. Bankers that do not accept the new reality will be at very high risk of losing their jobs and bonuses .... at best. At worst ..... do not pass go ..... you know exactly where you will be heading. Any banker knowingly covering up serious crimes and misconduct will be held accountable.

Matt Comyn suddenly sees why remediation is a top priority

Selwyn Krepp and Bob Bourne know how ruthless bankers and their lawyers can be. Both victims of CBA - they took the opportunity to meet with CEO Matt Comyn in Canberra .... right after the Economics Committee finished grilling him. BRN suspects Mr Comyn now has a much better understanding of the situation bank victims face. There is not much worse than losing you home, business and job thanks to bank misbehaviour.

ANZ's Shayne Elliott & Alexis George appear at Parliament House - 12.10.18

Hansard Transcript - The Treasurer has asked the Standing Committee on Economics to inquire into and report on a Review of Australia's Four Major Banks. This is ANZ's appearance at the fourth review. Members of the BRN team were in attendance to bear witness. The MPs on the committee did a magnificent job. The CEOs were not able to bluff their way out of being accountable. We have saved the transcript here for you.

Westpac's Brian Hartzer & Peter King appear at Parliament House - 11.10.18

Hansard Transcript - The Treasurer has asked the Standing Committee on Economics to inquire into and report on a Review of Australia's Four Major Banks. This is Westpac's appearance at the fourth review. Members of the BRN team were in attendance to bear witness. The MPs on the committee did a magnificent job. The CEOs were not able to bluff their way out of being accountable. We have saved the transcript here for you.

CBA's Matt Comyn & David Cohen appear at Parliament House - 11th Oct 2018

Hansard Transcript - The Treasurer has asked the Standing Committee on Economics to inquire into and report on a Review of Australia's Four Major Banks. This is the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) appearance at the fourth review. Members of the Bank Reform Now team were in attendance to bear witness.

The MPs on the committee did a magnificent job. The CEOs were not able to bluff their way out of being accountable. We have saved the transcript here for you.


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