Conscience compels us!

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Consent_Withdrawn's picture
Conscience compels us!

hi people. new-ish here...
i am on the BFCSA site as well. I'd encourage people from here to join there too and let's build these networks bigger and stronger than ever. We only have everything to lose if we don't.

the first thing I'd like to do is share this message which I posted there:

I cannot believe this UTTERLY PATHETIC lack of protection for the disadvantaged against the ugliest and most hideous law-abusing criminals on the planet.

Conscience compels me to fight this for all people, all life and indeed the future of sentient life on earth.

That includes limiting my participation in ANY economic activities which do not fit my now extremely strict and morally-founded criteria. That makes me practically unemployable because knowingly working for the system which kills us all slowly is still MURDER in my book!!

In my humble opinion a small handful of decent people should be able to dispense quickly enough with such gross injustices as displayed consistently throughout this blog,

What is wrong with everybody?

I cannot believe anymore that anybody in law or justice or law enforcement OR in and around government (with a few exceptions like Dr. Peter Brandson (sorry Peter I posted it before adding your name there), Denise Brailey (another hero of the people) and various politicians calling for a REAL full investigation) could really justify claiming a pay check until they WORK TOGETHER IMMEDIATELY AND PUBLICLY TO ADDRESS THE LIKELY ROOT CAUSE OF ALL CRIMES OF THEFT (or is it more the only possible cause?!) until this HUMAN SLAUGHTER is halted with an immediate freeze on all repossession claims, and until a PROPER commitment has been given to air EVERY SINGLE PIECE of dirty laundry these banks have in public.



TA (y)

Web's picture
Keep The Light Shining

Thanks for sharing Consent_Withdrawn and welcome.

It is indeed hard to understand why and how crime and injustice is so ridiculously and blatantly allowed to go unopposed, covered up, swept away, justified and goes unpunished.

There is so much hard evidence of corruption in high places, within the economic sector and the judicial system. The media is slowly bringing many things forward, the people of Australia need to become awake and have a real plan of action, so they can speak up as one to put an end to this crazy waste of a Nation and it's people lives.

As they say - all it takes for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing - and agreed that if these good men (and women) joined forces the outcomes would be powerful and timely.

Regardless of where people bank, what their other affiliations are, despite all manner of boundaries and blockages - Bank Reform Now believes it is people power that will get things done -
Expose Lies, Stop Corruption & Deliver Justice is the key message.

If the banksters and their constant and insidious power are put in place all the other issues can then begin to be resolved - but as long as our government are all puppets to a system that puts money and greedy power over all else we will see the tendrils of evil intent running down and through all sorts of areas.

Yes, you bring up great points and if only it was as simple as 1, 2, 3.

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